About Me

Hey there!!

My name is Swarna Krishnan. Technology fields like Ethical hacking, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning interests me the most. I have done a few internships that covers some of these fields. Outside academics and work, I like singing, Photography mainly Street photography and nature photography interests me. I love to do pencil sketching. 

I’m trying to make this blog a place to gather my thoughts–I have a lot of them and they’re all over the place, so posts aren’t really in any organized order.  This blog post may include

Since I am interested in coding part. I'll be posting and filing some interesting codes that I come across.  

Technology Facts
I love learning about new things everyday. Which is the sole reason why I will be posting a new technology fact each day. Learning without sharing is of no much use right?! 

Software installations
Sometimes even a genius needs to look into the documentation of the application for downloading it. Do you think I'm right? Then worry not! This topic is exactly for you guys. I'll help you with some of the software installations. 

There are still more. Follow this page to learn new things....Well together!! 

Thanks for dropping by!! Stay a while... 😊

-Swarna Krishnan


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