
Showing posts from August, 2020

Termux Basics

Hello guys, In this blog post I want to discuss about the famous application emulator of android "Termux".  What is Termux? Termux is an android application which is an emulator and it is also a Linux environment app. There is no particular need of setting it up or rooting the phone, It works directly. The additional packages are available using APT package manager. Termux repositories are hosted by JFrog Bintray.  What are the uses of Termux? There are many uses of termux, Some of them are: Data processing with Python. Programming in a development environment. Downloading and managing files and pages using time-established tools. Learning the basics of the Linux command line environment. Running an SSH client. Synchronizing and backing up your files.  Some of the basic commands of Termux are :  To Update apt update To chaeck whether app is properly installed, we use:  pkg install sl sl If the termux is properly installed, we will be seeing a moving train. To see all the proc

Rock Paper Scissors Using Javascript Logics

Hello guys, In this lockdown I've been doing different things to keep me sane. One of the project that I've done is Rock paper and scissors game. I have done this with the help of Javascript for logics, CSS for styles and HTML & Bootstrap for Website. We often play this game to decide who does the work first, or to decide who will go first and in other situations. So I was bored this afternoon and thought of creating this by thinking that my basics of javascript will also be covered. So let's get into this.  First of all, create a folder in your system directory as Rock_paper_scissors. Inside this folder, create an index.html file. Also create a styles.css files and main.js file.  Commands : C:\Users\swarna krishnan k>cd "C:\Users\swarna krishnan k\OneDrive\Desktop" C:\Users\swarna krishnan k\OneDrive\Desktop>mkdir Rock_paper_scissors After doing this you will have a folder with name Rock_paper_scissors on your desktop. Commands : C:\Users\swarna krishna